Friday, February 3, 2012

WARNING: Very long post - My plans for my Blog!

Hello! I just wanted to welcome everyone to my new blog and let you in on what I have planned!

For those of you who do not know me, my name is Lisa. I am a newlywed (both of us on our 2nd marriage), and mother of 3 sons: Dade 14, Jarret 12 & Chase 10.  I have 3 step-children - Anna 15, Caleb 13, and Elijah 6.  I am a registered nurse on a post-surgical unit. I own my own Etsy Store - Decidedly Digital, where I sell custom invitations, announcements, and party supplies.  Here is a link to my store:

I have been a scrapbooker since 1998, when I was pregnant with son #2. I found digital scrapbooking in 2010 and haven't turned back! It is such a wonderful way to perserve my family's memories and I don't have to worry if things don't come out "just right"! I can arrange and rearrange and never compromise my photos. I can also go back when I realize how ugly a layout is and REDO it!!!!

I am also a guest member for the Down this Road Designs Creative Team. I create layouts using her scrapbook kits to help her sell her products, which are fabulous, by the way! You'll see posts on my blog about her new kit releases, as well as layouts that I create using her kits!

On this blog, you will see TONS of scrapbook pages. I am a complete addict to purchasing scrapbook supplies, so my plan is also to point you all in the direction of some really fabulous kits out there. I frequent different digital scrapbook stores and belong to a bizillion newsletters and I want to let you all in on "My Picks" every week!

I will also be updating you on new invitations that I create and sell in my Etsy Store.

Of course, another thing I plan to keep everyone updated on is my family! I am going to admit right here, that I DO NOT have it all together! Not even a little bit, and you will see this on my blog, because I am going to be "keepin' it real" ! lol. I can be extremely messy and unorganized! I am a procrastinator. I am lazy. I hate cleaning! I can completely waste my entire day on my computer! Seeing as how I have 3 sons, you can all guess how my house looks - basically like a trash can threw up all over it! I am going to be as real as I can on this site. I am not about putting up fronts! lol. I am here to say that it is extremely hard to "have it all." Being a mother in itself is completely time consuming, but when you add in a career, hobbies, friends and OH YEA - the husband - YIKES!

I am also a TV addict! I recently bought a FAB-U-LOUS-LY huge LG TV with all the cool internet apps, such as Hulu, Netflix, Vudu, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  It's super exciting! I swear, I could lay in bed all day watching all my shows! When you add my DVR in there, I could be a hermit! I plan to let you all in on what I'm watching and what I think about it! So, for all you TV addicts out there, here's your spot to get the dish on all your favorite shows and hopefully I can help you find some new ones!

Ok! Sorry this post was SO long, but I just wanted to let you in on my plans for this blog and hopefully I'll get some followers!

To close, I just wanted to end with one of my favorite quotes - have no idea who said it or where it came from, but it completely describes my family:

"We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All"

Have a Great one!

Lisa :)

1 comment:

  1. Just stopped by to say Hey! Can't wait to see what's next!
